Sunday, May 8, 2011


Two days till we are home!! We are all packing and cleaning! It is great knowing that we will be home so soon!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!! Here is a picture of Justin helping me pack my suitcase and backpack. It is very difficult trying to get your suitcase under 50 pounds but I think we did it!!!


We came back one day early from free travel so we could take a day trip to Luxembourg! Luxembourg is the smallest country in the world. It was pretty. We walked through this huge park and took lots of pictures. It was great being able to relax, take our time, and not be on a schedule! We didn't see anything very impressive but here are a few pictures!

It was a great day! Thanks for reading!

Ireland, Scotland, and Italy!

We had a three day trip to Ireland. While we were in Ireland we saw Dublin, Cork, Wicklow, Bray, and Cobh. We didn't have a lot of time in Dublin and Cork so we didn't get to see too much. However, we had two full days in Wicklow and it was wonderful! We relaxed, fell asleep in the soft grass, and enjoyed the small town life! Here are a few pictures of Wicklow! This was the exact way I pictured Ireland!

We also went to Cobh, Ireland, which was the last place the Titanic docked before it sank.

In Scotland we stayed with a couple who graduated from Freed-Hardeman and are now missionaries. They were so hospitable! We had a great time with them. They cooked us dinner. They took us around Scotland and showed us some of the countryside. Here are a few pictures!

I found this beautiful rose laying on the shore in Scotland.

We also went horseback riding! That was such a fun experience! We got to see the countryside and it wasn't by walking, riding in a taxi, bus, or train! Here is a picture of my horse. Her name was Whisperer. She had gas and liked to eat branches.

The last leg of our journey was to Cinque Terre, Italy. Cinque Terre means "five lands" or "five cities." They were located all along the coast of Italy and you could hike from one city to another. It was absolutely beautiful. I think this was one of the most beautiful places I have been in Europe. The five of us stayed at a campground in tents! It was absolutely wonderful!! Here is Justin in his tent. Lacie and I had a tent for ourselves and we had so much fun!!!

We hiked through all the cities. It took the majority of the morning to hike and we ended up in the last city at the beach! It was a wonderful day!! Here are a couple pictures!

This was an awesome second free travel!!!! We had a wonderful two weeks!! Thanks so much for reading!

The Royal Wedding of William and Kate!

I got to go to the Royal Wedding! I got to go to the Royal Wedding! I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! Here is the story of our one day adventure!

We went to London for the first 3 days of our free travel trip then we went to Ireland. Then we came back to London on Thursday night for the wedding. Our flight from Ireland to London was supposed to leave at 10:00PM but it got delayed. We finally arrived in London and made it to our hostel around 1:30AM. By the time we got settled in our 24 person dorm room :( it was around 2:30AM. We all slept in our clothes and woke up at 4:30AM so that we could be out the hostel door at 5:00AM to head to Buckingham Palace. We walked for about an hour to get to Buckingham Palace around 6:00AM. There was already lots of people. People were camped along the main street.

People were standing everywhere. We walked around for awhile trying to find a good place to stand where we could see them drive by and see them on the balcony. We found a spot to the left of Buckingham Palace around 7:00AM. We were behind a crowd of people. Throughout the morning we would inch closer and closer to the front allowing us, around 9:45AM, to be a couple rows from the front. We had a wonderful spot!! We met some nice people who were standing around us. Some of them were from London and they were telling us different things about the history of the royalty and why things were done the way they were. It was really interesting. I learned that no one else attending the wedding can wear the same color as the Queen. She wore yellow. Here is a picture of her leaving Buckingham Palace heading to Westminster Abbey.

We got to see Kate Middleton and her father drive by on the way to Westminster Abbey.

After they were married, we got to see William and Kate drive past in their carriage. I took a video instead of pictures. The video is posted on my Facebook. She looked absolutely beautiful as they drove past waving. We also had a great view of the balcony. Here are a few pictures!

It was a wonderful experience. It was worth standing from 6:00AM to 2:00PM! This was my most memorable experience and I am so thankful that I was a part of history!