Monday, February 21, 2011


Hello from Verviers! I am having such a wonderful time here in Europe. We have such a nice place to stay here in Belgium. The facility is so nice and it is great to have your friends so close by! Our chaperones are fantastic. Mrs. Debbie and Mrs. Sherry have been cooking wonderful meals. Mr. John has been doing a great job taking care of our classes and Mr. Cliff has been strongly leading our chapel and Sunday morning Bible classes. We are so lucky to have these two wonderful families on our trip with us!

A normal day at the facility consists of class. People are taking different classes but my schedule looks like this: 8:30-French, 10:10-Our Western Heritage, 11:20-Chapel, 2:30-Modern World Literature. It is pretty spread out so I have time throughout the day to get ahead on homework for the next day, leaving my nights somewhat free. This week we only have class on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday because we are leaving Thursday for an 11 day journey through Greece and Italy. I am so excited for this adventure!!!

Travel wise, I have only been to 3 cities during the week we have been here. The first city was Aachen, Germany. The second was Namur, Belgium, which is where the picture from above is from and one of my favorite places so far. We were able to tour a castle that was located on a hill overlooking the city. The landscape was absolutely breathtaking. The third place we went to was Koln, Germany to see a chocolate museum/factory and the largest cathedral in Germany. The cathedral was an incredible masterpiece. Pictures do not do it justice. We are allowed to go anywhere we would like once classes are over. It is so neat to have such freedom to hop on a train and go wherever you please in Europe! It sure makes me feel like an adult! :)

I will post again once we return from Greece and Italy! Au revoir!

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