Saturday, May 7, 2011

London, Oh London, How I Love Thee!

Hello readers! We made it back from our two weeks of free travel! I will be posting multiple blogs talking about each place we visited. This first post will be about London!

We left on April 21 and took the Chunnel to London! We arrived in London that evening and the first thing we went to see was the London Bridge. Suprisingly, the London Bridge was just a normal bridge, but you could see the Tower Bridge from the London Bridge. The Tower Bridge was so beautiful! We walked across it at night and the view from both sides was so pretty.

We got to see Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. We were trying to make it to Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guards, but we were a minute late and did not get to see the whole precession. The gardens by Buckingham Palace were beautiful. The weather we had in London was wonderful. It was so warm! Inside the gardens they had spectacular flowers. Here are a few pictures of the flowers!

We got to see the famous Big Ben!

If you go to London, you must do the London Eye. It is a huge ferris wheel that allows you to stand up within a glass, oval compartment. You can see all of London from the London Eye and it is a really fun experience. Here is a picture of the London Eye and the compartment we rode in!

My most favorite part of London was getting to see Wicked!!!!!! It was the most incredible show I have ever seen on stage. We got tickets for 15 euros and our seats were on the very top row. They had binoculars for us to use, so we had perfect seats! Next to the Royal Wedding, this was one of the best things I got to experience in Europe! Here are a few pictures from the show!

We were able to see the National Gallery which had wonderful paintings. I think this art museum was one of my favorites while in Europe. We also went to see Abbey Road! Here is a picture that might look familiar! :)

This about wraps up our experiences in London. We had a full 3 days and still didn't get to see everything we wanted to see! However, it was an awesome trip and London is in my top 3 favorite places of Europe!

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